O estudo fitoquímico das cascas de Guatteria blepharophylla (Mart.) Mart. forneceu 12 compostos, sendo dois sesquiterpenos, óxido de cariofileno (1) e espatulenol (3), uma xantona, liquexantona (2), uma mistura de esteróides, b-sitosterol (4) e estigmasterol (5), e sete alcalóides isoquinolínicos, O-metilmoschatolina (6), lysicamina (7), nornuciferina (8), liriodenina (9), isocoreximina (10), subsessilina (11) e isomoschatolina (12). Suas estruturas foram determinadas através de métodos espectroscópicos. Os compostos 1-6, 11 e 12 são reportados pela primeira vez nesta espécie. Os dados de RMN 13 C (ressonância magnética nuclear) para os compostos 11 e 12 são descritos pela primeira vez na literatura. As atividades antiproliferativa em linhagens de células tumorais humanas e antimicrobiana foram investigadas para os compostos majoritários. O composto 9 mostrou significativa atividade contra linhagens de células de mama (MCF-7, Michigan Cancer Foundation-7), superior ao controle positivo doxorrubicina. O composto 12 apresentou atividade antifúngica similar ao controle positivo nistatina contra Candida albicans.Phytochemical study of the bark of Guatteria blepharophylla (Mart.) Mart. afforded twelve compounds, namely two sesquiterpenes, caryophyllene oxide (1) and spathulenol (3), one xanthone, lichexanthone (2), a mixture of steroids, b-sitosterol (4), and stigmasterol (5), and seven isoquinoline alkaloids, O-methylmoschatoline (6), lysicamine (7), nornuciferine (8), liriodenine (9), isocoreximine (10), subsessiline (11), and isomoschatoline (12). Their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic methods. Compounds 1-6, 11 and 12 were reported for the first time in this species. The 13 C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) data for the compounds 11 and 12 are described for the first time in the literature. The antiproliferative activity against human tumour cell lines and antimicrobial activities were investigated for the major compounds. Compound 9 showed significant activity against cell lines of breast (MCF-7, Michigan Cancer Foundation-7), superior to the positive control doxorubicin. Compound 12 presented antifungal activity similar to the positive control nystatin against Candida albicans. Braz. Chem. Soc. 1112 and pharmacological investigations on some species of this family, including Guatteria, have indicated the presence of important bioactive compounds, exhibiting many pharmacological activities, such as, cytotoxicity against human tumor cell lines, 3-5 antimicrobial, 5,6-9 and antiparasitic properties, particularly against Leishmania sp., 3,7,[10][11][12] Plasmodium falciparum 5,12,13 and Trypanosoma sp. 3,12,14 Despite the importance of annonaceous members in folk medicine, the number of species that have been chemically investigated is still very small. One of them is Guatteria blepharophylla Mart in Mart, a small tropical tree that occurs in the Amazonian region (Brazil, Peru, Guyana, Ecuador and Venezuela). 1 In Brazil this species is common in Amazonas and Pará states, where it is...