“…When these extended expressions are used for a sufficiently reliable set of data, it is sometimes found that one of the proportionality factors (ρ * , ρ, s, r) is negligibly small and the corresponding term can be omitted from the equation which then reduces to a type (7) relationship. Linear correlations of catalytic reactivity data against quantum chemical indices were introduced by Yoneda and coworkers [2,3,[24][25][26], who used the delocalizability of electrons in the transition state calculated by the MO-LCAO method according to Fukui [27]. Linear correlations of catalytic reactivity data against quantum chemical indices were introduced by Yoneda and coworkers [2,3,[24][25][26], who used the delocalizability of electrons in the transition state calculated by the MO-LCAO method according to Fukui [27].…”