In quantum theory, for a system with macroscopic wavefunction, the charge density and current density are represented by non-commuting operators. It follows that the anomaly I=∂tρ+∇·j, being essentially a linear combination of these two operators in the frequency-momentum domain, does not admit eigenstates and has a minimum uncertainty fixed by the Heisenberg relation ΔNΔϕ≃1, which involves the occupation number and the phase of the wavefunction. We give an estimate of the minimum uncertainty in the case of a tunnel Josephson junction made of Nb. Due to this violation of the local conservation of charge, for the evaluation of the e.m. field generated by the system it is necessary to use the extended Aharonov–Bohm electrodynamics. After recalling its field equations, we compute in general form the energy–momentum tensor and the radiation power flux generated by a localized oscillating source. The physical requirements that the total flux be positive, negative or zero yield some conditions on the dipole moment of the anomaly I.