“…However, they lack additional attributes such as orientation, pictogram, and relevance information, which are necessary to utilize the detected TLs for autonomous driving. Examples of the datasets extended with TL states include COCO Traffic [12], where TL states were annotated in the images from the COCO [13] dataset, as well as Cityscapes TL++ dataset [10] containing images with fine annotations from the Cityscapes [14] dataset with additional TL labels for four attributes: type (car, pedestrian, bicycle, train, unknown), relevant (yes, no), visible (yes, no), and state (red, red-yellow, yellow, green, off, unknown). Other datasets containing only TL state labels are the Roboflow Self-Driving Car dataset [15], a modified version of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Dataset [16], Waymo Open Dataset [17], WPI [7], BDD100K [18], and ApolloScape [19] datasets.…”