Recent work suggests that some native conformations of proteins can vary with temperature. To obtain an atomic-level description of this structural and conformational variation, we have performed all-atom, explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) up to its melting temperature (T m ≈ 337 K). RNase A has a thermal pretransition near 320 K [Stelea, S.D, Pancoska, P., Benight, A.S., Keiderling, T.A. (2001) Prot. Sci. 10, 970-978]. Our simulations identify a conformational change that coincides with this pretransition. Between 310 and 320 K, there is a small but significant decrease in the number of native contacts, β-sheet hydrogen bonding, and deviation of backbone conformation from the starting structure, and an increase in nonnative contacts. Native contacts are lost in β-sheet regions and in α1, partially due to movement of α1 away from the β-sheet core. At 330 and 340 K, a nonnative helical segment forms at residues 15-20, corresponding to a helix observed in the N-terminal domain-swapped dimer [Liu Y.S., Hart, P.J., Schulnegger, M.P., Eisenberg, D. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95, 3437-3432]. The conformations observed at the higher temperatures possess native-like topology and overall conformation, with many native contacts, but they have a disrupted active site. We propose that these conformations may represent the native state at elevated temperature, or the N′ state. These simulations show that subtle, functionally important changes in protein conformation can occur below the T m .A typical free-energy diagram for protein folding shows stable macrostates (native, denatured and intermediates, if any) as approximately harmonic energy wells along a global reaction coordinate. A more complete picture considers macrostates composed of ensembles of microstates with similar, but not identical, energies and conformations. Expressed differently, the energy landscape is rugged. Simulation studies, alternative conformations in crystal and solution structures, the inactivation of enzymes under folded conditions, and single molecule enzymology (1) demonstrate that the native state is heterogeneous. Microstates are populated according to the Boltzmann distribution. Changing the temperature changes the relative population of conformational microstates with the macrostate. If the average molecular conformation varies with temperature, the observable properties of the native state will also † This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM50789 (to VD) and a Molecular Biophysics Training Grant 5 T32 GM008268-19 (to EM) *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:, 206.685.1510 (T), 206.685.3300 (F). 1 RNase A, bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A; MD, molecular dynamics; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; 2D FTIR, twodimensional Fourier transform infrared correlation spectroscopy; CD, circular dichroism spectroscopy; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; UV, ultraviolet; F3C, flexible thr...