Background and objective: Foeniculum vulgare-Mill (Umlliferae), is widely used in the Arabian Peninsula for treating various human and animal diseases. There is need to insure the safety of this plant as a remedy that could be used for a long time. This study aimed to determine the LD 50 of the aerial parts of Foeniculum vulgare in mice, as well as to investigate its toxic pathological effects. Methodology: A total of eighty (80) albino mice of both sexes, weighing 25 -30 g, were used in the present study. Ten (10) mice were used for the determination of LD 50 of Foeniculum vulgare in mice. Fifty (50) mice were used in the acute toxicity, and twenty (20) mice were used to study the subacute toxicity of the aerial parts of Foeniculum vulgare juice. Results: the present results revealed that the LD 50 of Foeniculum vulgare juice in mice was 9.772 mg/kg/body weight (BW). On the other hand, mice received 0.9 mg/kg/BW of Foeniculum vulgare juice intraperitoneally showed slightly closed eyes intermittent convulsions itching of the nose and increased respiratory rate and abdominal movements. Histopathological examination of the liver showed hepatocytic degeneration and necrosis, congestion with perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrations and peribiliary mononuclear cell aggregations. Whereas the spleen of mice showed depletion of lymphocytes and mononuclear as well as multinuclear cells. The duodenum showed sub-epithelial congested blood vessels, numerous areas of lymphocytic infiltrations and vascular and hydropic degeneration of epithelial cells lining the duodenal Brunner's glands. Moreover, the kidney showed degenerated tubular epithelial cells, congestion with excess of mononuclear cells, necrotic and desquamated epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules. The lung of mice showed congestion, emphysema with variable degrees of mononuclear cell infiltrations and peribronchial congested blood capillaries and mononuclear cell infiltration. Conclusion: It could be concluded that Foeniculum vulgare juice is toxic to mice when administered in a dose of 9.772 mg/kg/BW. How- (1/10 of the LD 50 ) of Foeniculum vulgare juice.