We use combinatorial and probabilistic techniques to study growth rates for the probability that a random permutation from the Mallows distribution avoids consecutive patterns.The Mallows distribution is a q-analogue of the uniform distribution weighting each permutation π by q inv(π) , where inv(π) is the number of inversions in π and q is a positive, real-valued parameter. We prove that the growth rate exists for all patterns and all q > 0, and we generalize Goulden and Jackson's cluster method to keep track of the number of inversions in permutations avoiding a given consecutive pattern. Using singularity analysis, we approximate the growth rates for length-3 patterns, monotone patterns, and non-overlapping patterns starting with 1, and we compare growth rates between different patterns. We also use Stein's method to show that, under certain assumptions on q and σ, the number of occurrences of a given pattern σ is well approximated by the normal distribution. K E Y W O R D S consecutive pattern, inversion, Mallows distribution, permutation, Stein's method Let S n be the set of permutations of [n] = {1, . . . , n}. Given a list of m distinct integers w = w 1 . . . w m , the standardization of w, written st(w), is the unique permutation of [m] that is order-isomorphic to Random Struct Alg. 2018;00:1-31.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/rsa