Onchocerciasis is a devastating tropical disease that causes severe eye and skin lesions. As global efforts shift from disease control to elimination, prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines have emerged as alternative elimination tools. Notably, Ov-RAL-2 and Ov-103 antigens have shown great promise in preclinical studies and plans are underway for clinical trials. Here, we predict the immunogenicity and other vaccine-related parameters for both antigens using immunoinformatics, as potential vaccine candidates against onchocerciasis. The analysis reveals that both antigens exhibit a favourable safety profile, making them promising candidates poised for human trials. Importantly, in silico immune simulation forecasts heightened antibody production and sustained cellular responses for both vaccine candidates. Indeed, the antigens were predicted to harbour substantial numbers of a wide range of distinct epitopes associated with protective responses against onchocerciasis, as well as the potential for stimulating innate immune TLR-4 receptor recognition with Ov-103 exhibiting better structural efficiency and antigenicity with no homology to human proteins compared to Ov-RAL-2. Overall, we provide herein valuable insights for advancing the development of Ov-103 and RAL-2 vaccine candidates against onchocerciasis in humans. Keywords: onchocerciasis, immunoinformatics, Ov-RAL-2, Ov-103, antigenicity, safety, protective immunity, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation