The aim of this study was to describe and discuss the various forms of cystography and their clinical value. Conventional fluoroscopic voiding cystourethrography (VCU), radionuclide cystography and the various sonographic cystographic approaches, including echo-enhanced cystosonography (EECS), are described. Their indications, potential, benefit and setbacks/restrictions are discussed with regard to the literature and the constantly changing clinical demand. With the introduction of EECS a new and reliable tool has been established to be useful for follow-up and screening for vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR); however, with the growing importance of functional disturbances a reliable method to evaluate both function and anatomy/VUR as offered by modified VCU is mandatory, and thus VCU remains to play a major part in evaluating children with urinary tract infection, suspected VUR, hydronephrosis or functional bladder disturbances. While EECS offers a new method for certain indications, such as follow-up examinations in VUR or screening, VCU remains an irreplaceable tool for evaluating anatomy (particularly the male urethra) and bladder function (if performed using the modified technique).