“…MS offers a cost-effective alternative to measure traditional RIA-measured analytes like free testosterone, insulin, prolactin, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Alternatively, the cost of some traditional, lower-volume immunoassays like C-peptide or -hydroxybutyrate, which may exceed $20/test on commercial platforms, can be done for substantially less by MS while providing superior results. Recently, the cross-reactivity of 10 different immunoassays with 15 exogenous insulins was examined and the authors concluded that, due to the poor crossreactivity of the immunoassays, MS should be used to diagnose hypoglycemia secondary to exogenous insulin (36 ). Although any single assay may not be enough to justify the costs of a mass spectrometer and all the required laboratory renovations, development, validation, training, and labor, combinations of multiple in-house and/or send-out tests can be used to successfully justify the acquisition of this technology.…”