“…While excretion of ACP by plant roots (George et al, 2006;Li et al, 2002;Spohn et al, 2015;Tarafdar and Claassen, 1998), nodules (Li et al, 2012;Penheiter et al, 1997a), and soil microbes (Nannipieri et al, 2011;Spohn et al, 2015;Tarafdar and Claassen, 1998) has been well documented, production of ALK has been primarily reported from soil bacteria and some fungi (Nannipieri et al, 2011). Previous studies have confirmed the presence of a phosphate regulon (Pho) in some bacteria, consisting of a suite of genes responsible for phosphate acquisition induced under conditions of phosphate starvation, including phosphatase production (Apel et al, 2007;Krol and Becker, 2004;Lidbury et al, 2016;Vershinina and Znamenskaya, 2002). Some experiments have demonstrated increased phosphatase activity under phosphate-limited conditions (Fraser et al, 2015a,b;Kier et al, 1979;Zhang et al, 2012), although others have found no correlation (Fraser et al, 2015b).…”