This paper is concerned with large-angle precession of Earth-pointing bias momentum satellites in circular orbits and small-angle precession in eccentric orbits. In the first part, ideal torque requirements are determined for precessing a momentum vector by a large yaw angle. It is then shown that a quasi-quarter-orbit open-loop magnetic precession is feasible only when the spacecraft rotation for Earth pointing is halted. For this circumstance, general relationships are developed to size a pitch dipole using a tilted dipole model of the geomagnetic field and quasi-quarter-orbit apart true anomalies whereat a pitch dipole reverses its polarity. The second part of the paper considers elliptic orbits. A pitch dipole sizing equation is developed for small-angle open-loop roll/yaw magnetic precession. This equation is then used for designing a closed-loop bang-bang precession scheme, working in concert with nutation damping via a roll/pitch product-of-inertia. A literal relationship is devised between the desired nutation damping coefficient (or time constant), roll/pitch product-of-inertia, and rate gain of a linear pitch controller.