“…Structural similarities between some BBSome subunits (Jin et al, 2010), reported functional redundancies between BBS4 and BBS5 subunits (Xu et al, 2015), multiple differences between particular BBSome-deficient cellular or mouse models (Berbari et al, 2008;Cognard et al, 2015;Guo et al, 2011;Kulaga et al, 2004;Loktev & Jackson, 2013;Nishimura et al, 2004;Rahmouni et al, 2008;Su et al, 2014;Tadenev et al, 2011;Xu et al, 2015;Zhang et al, 2011;Zhang et al, 2013), and partially differential effects of knockdowns of particular BBSome-encoding genes in mouse embryonic brain development (Guo et al, 2015) suggest that particular BBSome subunits might have unique functions. Moreover, it is possible that the BBSome maintains a residual function even in the absence of particular subunits.…”