IL-1 is purported to be a proximal mediator in the cascade leading to septic shock. To characterize its hemodynamic effects and to ascertain whet her its block ade would ameliorat e the deleterious con sequences of sepsis, an IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) was adminis tered to 16 anesthetized, mechanically ventilated piglets that rece ived a contin uous infusion of group B streptococci (GBS) (7.5 X 10 7 colony-forming units/kg/min ), Systemic (Psa), pulmonary artery (Ppa), and wedge (Pwp) pressures and cardiac output were measured pre-GBS and every 30 min during GBS infusion . After 15 min of bacteri al infusion the control group receiv ed norm al saline, whereas the treatment group rece ived a bolus of IL-1ra (40 mg/kg) followed by a con tinuo us infusion of IL-1ra (60 J-Lglkglmin). In comparing IL-lra-treated animals with controls from the IS-min GBS baseline to the succe eding septic study period (45-120 min), the following treatment effects were noted (120-min valu es shown) : mean Psa remained eleva ted in treatmen t compared with control animals (12.7 ::' ::: 2.5 versus 9 ::' ::: 3.5 kPa; p < 0.001) as did CO (0.21 ::' ::: 0.07 versus 0.13 ::' ::: 0.08 L'min/kg; p < 0.001) . Pwp decreased in the treatment comp ared to the con trol group over the study period (1 ::' ::: 0.3 versus 1.6 ::' ::: 0.7 kPa; p < 0.02). Mean IL-l is a cytokine thought to occupy a proximal position in the inflammatory cascade leading to tissue injury during sepsis (1, 2). After its release, IL-l influences the metabolism of arachidonic acid and results in increased synthesis of leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and thrombo xane A 2 (2). In addition, IL-l acts synergistica lly with other cytokines , such as TNFo:, to potentiate the inflammatory response (3).Investigators have focused on the role of IL-l as a prominent Ppa and mean Pra were not different between group s ove r time. Median length of sur vival was significantly longer (p = 0.04) in treated (226 min) comp ared with control animals (150 min). The se data suggest that IL-1 plays an impo rtant role in GBS sepsis and septic shock, and that IL-1ra may in part ameliorate the cardiovascular alterations associated with GBS sepsis in the neonate. (Pediatr Res 38: 704-708, 1995)