DOI: 10.7860/jcdr/2023/60502.17605
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Comparison of Percutaneous Cystolithotripsy and Transurethral Cystolithotripsy for Treatment of Medium Size Bladder Stone: A Retrospective Study

Abstract: Introduction: Vesical calculus accounts for nearly 5% of urinary system calculi and is commonly seen in patients with Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO), chronic infection, and neurogenic bladder. Open cystolithotomy is an invasive surgery with a long postoperative period and with a high wound infection rate, so only best recommended for large stones. With recent advancements in endourological instruments, cystolithotripsy either by Percutaneous Cystolithotripsy (PCCL) or Transurethral Cystolithotripsy (TUCL) ap… Show more

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