Biological and whole genome properties were compared between eight historical European (1943European ( -1984 and five Australian (2003Australian ( -2012 Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates. Based on eliciting hypersensitivity genes Nc, Ny or Nz, the former belonged to biological strain groups PVY C (CT, CRM1), PVY O (CRN, KE, RS) or PVY Z (CM2, CRM2, DS). The latter were inoculated to differential and other potato cultivars, tobacco and tomato. Two belonged to PVY O (BL, DEL3), one to PVY Z (ATL1), and one (KIP1) to suggested strain group (PVY D ) which elicited putative hypersensitivity gene Nd. Tomato isolate CN1 (and unsequenced CN2), which were poorly adapted to infect potato, were not grouped. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of samples containing all isolates except CN2, yielded 13 complete sequences of 9592-9700 nucleotides (nt), and one partial sequence of 9002 nt, none being recombinants. Comparing the former with 60 other PVY complete genomes, found one (CRM2) in phylogenetic subgroup Y O , eight in Y O5 (CM2, CRN, DS, KE, RS, ATL1, BL, DEL3), three in Y C2 (CRM1, CT, KIP1) and one in Y C1 (CN1). Thus, biologically defined PVY O (5) and PVY Z (4) isolates were within phylogenetic subgroups Y O or Y O5 , biological PVY C isolates (2) within Y C2 , biological PVY D isolate KIP1 in Y C2 and tomato isolate CN1 in Y C1 . NGS identified KIP1 and partial sequence KIP from mixed infection. KIP was in Y O5 . Grouping of four PVY Z isolates within phylogenetic PVY O , and the PVY D isolate within phylogenetic PVY C , reveals disagreement between current biological and phylogenetic PVY nomenclature systems. Using Latinized numerals for phylogenetic group names resolved this.