“…Côté, Rooney, Tremblay, Dussault, & Walker, ; Estes et al, ; Jia et al, ; Tanentzap & Coomes, ). In the high‐latitude ecosystems of Eurasia and North America, reindeer and caribou ( Rangifer tarandus L.) are well known to influence plant community structure (Bernes, Bråthen, Forbes, Speed, & Moen, ; Jefferies, Klein, & Shaver, ; Suominen & Olofsson, ), and ecosystem processes and functions (Christie et al, ; Väisänen et al, ; Vowles et al, ), particularly at the local scale. Hence, a recent systematic review of the current literature on reindeer effects on vegetation patterns across high‐latitude ecosystems found strong local responses to reindeer grazing in a wide array of plant functional groups (Bernes et al, ).…”