Genipa americana L. well known as genipap, is a tree that is widely distributed throughout the Brazilian territory. The communities appreciate the genipap fruits, since they are used as food; in addition to that, their fruits have numerous seeds that can be used in the production of vegetable oil. This being, in this work inclined to a bromatological study of the genipap fruits and chemical composition and bioassays from vegetable oil seeds. Obtaining the highest percentage of lipids in the seeds that was of 7.08%, the highest percentage of humidity obtained was 74.66% present in the pulp, the highest amount of carbohydrates was found in the seeds, with a percentage of 79.37%, the highest percentage of ash present was 3.99% found in the pulp, another parameter analyzed were the proteins mostly present in the seeds with a percentage of 4.45% and finally the energy value was calculated, being the majority in the seeds with 398.98 Kcal/100 g. The fatty acid profile showed the highest percentage for the Linoleic Acid with 61.5%. The greatest inhibition in the antimicrobial assays was for S. typhimurium with 42.12% inhibition. In the tests performed for the inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase was 14.95%.