We report on mechanical tests on interpenetrating-phase nanocomposite materials made by vacuum impregnation of nanoscale metal networks with a polymer. The metal component is nanoporous gold made by dealloying, whereas two epoxy resins and polyurethane are explored as the polymer component. The composites are strong and deformable in compression. Although previous observations invariably indicate tensile brittleness for nanoporous gold, composite samples made from cm-sized nanoporous samples enable macroscopic tensile and four-point bending tests that show ductility. This implies that the high strength of individual metal objects such as nanowires can now be incorporated into a strong and ductile material from which macroscopic things can be formed. In fact, a rule-of-mixture-type analysis of the stresses carried by the metal phase suggests quantitative agreement with data reported from separate experiments on small-scale gold nanostructures. NPG Asia Materials (2015) 7, e187; doi:10.1038/am.2015.58; published online 12 June 2015 INTRODUCTION Nanoporous metals made by dealloying 1-3 take the form of monolithic bodies consisting of an interconnected network of nanoscale 'ligaments' in a polycrystalline microstructure with typically 10 to 100 μm grain size. 4,5 The material is under study as a model material for clarifying the deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of small-scale metal bodies such as nanowires or nanopillars. [5][6][7][8][9][10] In principle, nanoporous gold (NPG) offers the opportunity of incorporating the extremely high strength that has been reported for individual metal nanostructures, such as nanowires, 6,11-13 into a design strategy for a material that is amenable to the shaping of technologically relevant macroscopic bodies. Yet, whereas micro-scale and, more recently, macroscale nanoporous metal samples show excellent deformability in compression, 5,14 tension and bending studies so far have invariably indicated macroscopically brittle failure. 1,5,[15][16][17] This seems to prevent hopes of applying nanoporousmetal-based materials in technology. The brittle behavior has been linked to a tension-compression asymmetry of the mechanical behavior of porous bodies: while densification of the network implies strain hardening in compression, density loss in tension results in work softening. 18 This latter behavior implies a plastic instability with shear localization and brittle failure in tension. A materials design strategy that prevents the density change under load impregnates is impregnating the pore space with a ductile but lightweight phase, such as a polymer. Compression tests with mm-sized composite samples from NPG and bisphenol-F epoxy confirmed that the impregnation suppresses the density change along with the compressive strain hardening. 18 The compression tests also revealed that the large