We re-advocated the conjecture of indistinguishability between the quantum fluctuation observed from a Rindler frame and a real thermal bath, for the case of a free massless scalar field. To clarify the robustness and how far such is admissible, in this paper, we investigate the issue from two different non-inertial observers' perspective. A detailed analysis is being done to find the observable quantities as measured by two non-inertial observers (one is Rindler and another is uniformly rotating) on the real thermal bath and Rindler frame in Minkowski spacetime. More precisely, we compare Thermal-Rindler with Rindler-Rindler and Thermal-rotating with Rindler-rotating situations. In the first model it is observed that although some of the observables are equivalent, all the components of renormalised stress-tensor are not same. In the later model we again find that this equivalence is not totally guaranteed. Therefore we argue that the indistinguishability between the real thermal bath and the Rindler frame may not be totally true.PACS numbers: * blue chandramouli@alumni.iitg.ac.in,chandramouli.chowdhury@icts.res.in † blue susmita.das@alumni.iitg.ac.in, susmitad210@gmail.com ‡ blue suroj176121013@iitg.ac.in § blue bibhas.majhi@iitg.ac.in 1 Similar findings have also been obtained for conformal vacuum, seen by the comoving observers, in the case of de-Sitter (dS) Friedmann-Lamatre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) Universe. An extension to (1 + 1) Schwarzschild black hole revels that the particles in Kruskal and Unruh vacuum states, seen by the Schwarzschild static observer, exhibits same fluctuationdissipation theorem (see [11] for details).