The main purpose of this study is to explore the consumer impulse buying behaviour from a range of consumer and product related factors. To achieve this purpose, the study was guided by five research questions in the area of product physical quality, product price, product attractiveness, product origin, and purchase location. The study employed quantitative method. A sample of 179 respondents (consumers) that visited the Accra Shopping Mall was employed using convenient selection method. A self-completed 5 point Likert structured questionnaire survey was the data collection instrument used. The data collected were computed and analysed with reliability statistics, Cramer's V statistics under a crosstabulation statistical technique test to determine the association between the variables involved in this study. Overall, findings indicate that, the association between consumer impulse buying behaviour and product physical quality, product price, product attractiveness, product origin and purchase location was not strong. Consequently, each of the five products related factors shows a weak association with consumer impulse buying behaviour. It is recommended that manufacturers and other stakeholders support retail shops in diverse methods to improve upon their selling techniques and new ways to appeal to consumers.Keywords: consumer behaviour, impulse buying behaviour, antecedent of impulse buying, range of consumer, product related factors