We provide a general methodology to study the role of market distortions on local indeterminacy and bifurcations. We extend the well-known Woodford (1986) model to account for market distortions, introducing general specifications for three crucial functions: the real interest rate, the real wage and the workers' offer curve. The elasticities of these three functions play a key role on local dynamics and allow us to identify which types of distortions are the most powerful for indeterminacy.Most of the specific market imperfections considered in the related literature are particular cases of our general framework. Comparing them we obtain several equivalence results in terms of indeterminacy mechanisms. We also provide examples of distortions that illustrate new results. Furthermore we show that, for an elasticity of substitution between inputs around unity, indeterminacy requires a minimal degree of distortions. However, the degree of labor market distortions compatible with that requirement is empirically plausible.JEL classification: C62, E32.