It is known that fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF1) lacking a conventional signal peptide sequence shows non-classical release independent of the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi system. Recent studies reveal that FGF1 is co-released with S100A13, a Ca 2+ -binding protein that acts as an extracellular cargo molecule. Although both FGF1 and S100A13 are Cu 2+ -binding proteins, the role of Cu 2+ , as well as that of Ca 2+ , in non-classical release, remains to be clarified. In the present study we examined the requirements of both metal ions for the interaction between these two proteins. The addition of Ca 2+ significantly increased the k a value, while decreasing the K D value, for the interaction between Strep-tagII-S100A13 and GST-FGF1; both values were obtained by use of a quartz crystal microbalance, a real-time mass measuring device.The EC 50 of Ca 2+ to enhance the interaction was 10.11 µM. Although the addition of Cu 2+ alone had no effect, it caused a marked potentiation of the Ca 2+ -enhanced interaction. The EC 50 of Cu 2+ for the potentiation was 50.45 nM. On the other hand, the EC 50 of Ca 2+ and the K D value were decreased from 11.69 to 2.07 µM and 0.75 to 0.38 x 10 -7 M, respectively, by the addition of 200 nM Cu 2+ . The Cu 2+ -induced potentiation of this interaction was abolished by amlexanox, which inhibits non-classical release of FGF1. All of these findings suggest that synergistic effects of Ca 2+ and Cu 2+ play a key role in the interaction between FGF1 and S100A13, which is the initial step in non-classical release of FGF1.