I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Edward Gillan, for guiding me over these last years. Your patience, understanding, and willingness to work through each of the many problems I came across were instrumental to making it through this process. To the Nates (Coleman and Black), you were great people to share an office with for the bulk of these years. Nate C, you were very helpful at setting an example of how to get things done, and otherwise survive without going crazy. Nate B, from the time I taught you as an undergrad to when you officially joined the group as a grad student, I hope I was a suitable mentor. Matt, Ashley and Janaka, I wish you luck with the rest of your careers. To my undergads Dan Waterhouse and Tony Downs, thank you for your contributions to the work within this thesis. Thank you to all the Chemistry department staff that helped out with so much of the graduate student paperwork, teaching, billing issues, and room reservations over the years.