“…In contrast to these idealistic perspectives on PCSR, another research stream views PCSR as a corporate political strategy that is aimed primarily at gaining business advantages and avoiding unfavorable regulations (Edward & Willmott, 2008;Fooks, Gilmore, Collin, Holden, & Lee, 2013;Shirodkar, Beddewela, & Richter, 2016). As such, literature describes PCSR as extended corporate citizenship aimed towards the generation of financial returns for shareholders (Djelic & Etchanchu, 2017;Uddin, Siddiqui, & Islam, 2016;Whelan, 2012). Moreover, within this perspective, PCSR can be defined as the "activities where CSR has an intended or unintended political impact, or where intended or unintended political impacts on CSR exist" (Frynas & Stephens, 2015, p. 485).…”