Van Oostenbrugge, Hans, Mike Turenhout and Katell Hamon, 2016
. Costs of the final proposal for seabed protection on the Frisian Front and Central Oyster Grounds for the Dutch fishing sector;Addendum to LEI report 2015-145. Wageningen, Wageningen Economic Research, Memorandum 2016 This memorandum provides an estimation of the costs for closures for the protection of the benthic ecosystem on the Frisian Front and the Central Oyster Grounds for the Dutch fishing sector in addition to the cost-benefit analysis carried out in Van Oostenbrugge et al. (2015). The costs of the closures vary between 1.8 and 5.7m euros, depending on the assumptions chosen for external developments (PEI scenarios) and the effects of displacement (displacement scenarios). The user may reproduce, distribute and share this work and make derivative works from it. Material by third parties which is used in the work and which are subject to intellectual property rights may not be used without prior permission from the relevant third party. The user must attribute the work by stating the name indicated by the author or licensor but may not do this in such a way as to create the impression that the author/licensor endorses the use of the work or the work of the user. The user may not use the work for commercial purposes.Wageningen Economic Research accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of the results of this study or the application of the advice contained in it. (average 2008-2014)
and the costs of closures in case of 4 Policy Innovation and Economics scenarios (PEI scenario 0-3) and 3 Displacement scenario (A-C). NPV, Net Present Value (future discounted costs over 30-year period); GVA, Gross Value AddedType of costs/benefits Depending on the assumptions taken, the total costs for the Dutch fishing sector, measured as the negative effect on net present value of the gross value added, range from 0 to 5.7m euros ( ). The main reason for this is the fact that a large part of the extra 800 km 2 is situated south of the Frisian front in an area with low fishing intensity.
S.3 MethodThis memorandum is a partial extension of the complete cost-benefit analysis carried out by Estimations of the economic value of the areas were made using four Policy, Economy and Innovation scenarios (PEI scenarios) which combined expected developments on fish stocks, fish prices, fuel prices, technical developments, management measures and other area closures. Costs of closing the areas were assessed using three displacement scenarios. These were based on scientific publications (scenario A), expert knowledge from the fishing sector (scenario B) and the assumption that the sector would be able to reallocate their activities without any costs (scenario C).
Tabel S.1 Overzicht van visserijactiviteiten in de gebieden (gemiddelde over 2008-2014) en de kosten van sluitingsvarianten in het geval van 4 beleids-en innovatiescenario's (PEI-scenario 0-3) en 3 verplaatsingsscenario (A-C). NCW, netto contante waarde (toekomstige verdisconteerde ...