At first, we present a brief review of the problem. Then, we consider plasma phase transition (PPT) as a mechanism of the first order fluid-fluid phase transition in warm dense hydrogen. The pros and cons are analysed. The properties of warm dense hydrogen are investigated by ab initio methods of molecular dynamics using the density functional theory. Strong ionization during the fluid-fluid phase transition in warm dense hydrogen makes this transition close to the prediction of the PPT. Finally, we present differences in the real phase transition from the prediction 1968-1969. Structures are observed with inter-proton separations that are equal to the distances between protons in the H + 2 and H + 3 ions. The transition is not only ionization, but also structural. An analysis of the phase transition counterpart in solid hydrogen under high pressure allows us to reveal partially the character of the new structure. The ionized phase includes complex cluster ions. Van der Waals loops are of abnormal inverted form.
KEYWORDSdense hydrogen, density functional theory, pair correlation function, plasma phase transition
INTRODUCTION: THREE PREDICTIONS OF 1968-1970The plasma phase transition (PPT) was predicted by Norman and Starostin [1] in 1968. The strong overlapping in the density of the equilibrium branch of one phase with a metastable branch of another phase was predicted in ref.[2]. The third prediction was a triple point on the melting curve. [3,4]
Nature of the transitionThe hypothesis of PPT is advanced in ref.[1] by analogy with the van der Waals equation of state, where a first-order phase transition arises as a result of the competition between the long-range weak attraction and short-range strong repulsion between neutral particles, and temperature. In plasmas, due to the polarization of spatial charge distribution, the average Coulomb interaction energy of particles is negative and, therefore, has a general character of the long-range weak effective Coulomb attraction. This interaction is introduced into the expression for the free energy of plasma in the form of Debye-Hückel correction.where Γ = (4 /3) 1/3 e 2 n e 1/3 /kT is the Coulomb non-ideality parameter, T is the temperature, e is the elementary charge, k is the Boltzmann's constant, n e is the charge number density. In the region Γ > 1, the system becomes thermodynamically unstable. To stabilize the system of charged particles, a short-range effective quantum repulsion between free electrons and ions is taken into account in ref.[1], along with the Coulomb interaction. The localization of free charges at close distances leads to an increase