We apply a self-consistent field method (Corson et al. 2017c) to calculate the rotational friction coefficient for fractal aerosol particles in the transition flow regime. Our method considers hydrodynamic interactions between spheres in a rotating aggregate due to the linear velocities of the spheres. Results are consistent with electro-optical measurements of soot alignment. Calculated rotational friction coefficients are also in good agreement with continuum and free molecule results in the limits of small (Kn D 0.01) and large (Kn D 100) primary sphere Knudsen numbers. As we previously demonstrated (Corson et al. 2017b) for the translational friction coefficient, the rotational friction coefficient approaches the continuum limit as either the primary sphere size and the number of primary spheres increases. We apply our results to develop an analytical expression Equation (26) for the rotational friction coefficient as a function of the primary sphere size and number of primary spheres. One important finding is that the ratio of the translation to rotational diffusion times is nearly independent of cluster size. We include an extension of previous scaling analysis for aerosol aggregates to include rotational motion.
EDITORYannis Drossinos tion coefficient, as a function of primary sphere size and the number of spheres in the aggregate. $ t , J $ O;r , and J $O;c are the translational, rotational, and translation-rotation coupling friction tensors. The translational, rotational, and coupling friction tensors relate the particle translational velocity to the force on the particle, the particle angular velocity to the torque on the particle, and the particle translational or angular velocity to the torque or force on the particle, respectively. Note that the subscript O indicates that the property is described relative to the particle's center of mass, while the dagger symbol represents the transpose of a tensor. These equations apply for creeping flow in the continuum, free molecule, and transition regimes, characterized by very small, very large, and intermediate Knudsen numbers, respectively. For spheres, the Knudsen number is defined as Kn D λ=a, where λ is the gas mean free path and a is the sphere radius.Brenner (1967) demonstrated that a particle's friction and diffusion tensors are connected by a generalized Stokes-Einstein relationship, D $ O D kTM $ O ¡ 1 [4] where the grand mobility and diffusion tensors M $ O and D $ O are defined as M $ O D J $ t J $y O;c J $ O;c J $ O;r 2 4 3 5 [5] D $ O D D $ O;t