CTX is a filamentous, temperate bacteriophage whose genome includes ctxAB, the genes that encode cholera toxin. In toxigenic isolates of Vibrio cholerae, tandem arrays of prophage DNA, usually interspersed with the related genetic element RS1, are integrated site-specifically within the chromosome. We have discovered that these arrays routinely yield hybrid virions, composed of DNA from two adjacent prophages or from a prophage and a downstream RS1. Coding sequences are always derived from the 5 prophage whereas most of an intergenic sequence, intergenic region 1, is always derived from the 3 element. The presence of tandem elements is required for production of virions: V. cholerae strains that contain a solitary prophage rarely yield CTX virions, and the few virions detected result from imprecise excision of prophage DNA. Thus, generation of the replicative form of CTX , pCTX, a step that precedes production of virions, does not depend on reversal of the process for site-specific integration of CTX DNA into the V. cholerae chromosome. Production of pCTX also does not depend on RecA-mediated homologous recombination between adjacent prophages. We hypothesize that the CTX -specific proteins required for replication of pCTX can also function on a chromosomal substrate, and that, unlike the processes used by other integrating phages, production of pCTX and CTX does not require excision of the prophage from the chromosome. Use of this replication strategy maximizes vertical transmission of prophage DNA while still enabling dissemination of CTX to new hosts. C TX is a filamentous phage whose single-stranded DNA genome includes ctxAB, the genes that encode cholera toxin (CT) (1), the primary virulence factor produced by the choleragenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae (2). Unlike the filamentous phages that infect Escherichia coli, CTX can give rise to lysogens, which contain the phage genome integrated into the bacterial chromosome (1, 3, 4). Integration of CTX DNA into the V. cholerae chromosome is a site-specific process that does not require RecA (5). Both O1 El Tor and O139 strains of V. cholerae, which have caused virtually all recent cholera epidemics, have just one chromosomal locus within which the phage genome is integrated (3, 6). The core of this integration site (attB) is a 17-bp sequence that is almost identical to an 18-bp sequence within the phage genome. Integration of phage DNA into the genome of an attB ϩ , CTX Ϫ El Tor strain of V. cholerae yields single or tandem prophages flanked by these 17͞18-bp sequences, which are known as end repeats (ERs) (5). If such a lysogen is infected by an additional phage or transformed with the replicative form (RF) (a plasmid) of phage DNA, the new phage DNA will integrate at an ER between tandem prophages or between a 3Ј end and chromosomal DNA; the ER between the 5Ј end of a prophage and adjacent chromosomal DNA is not used (7).Toxigenic strains of V. cholerae frequently also contain a genetic element related to CTX , known as RS1 (4). This element is found on the chr...