Sports training is an important part of daily life, and various injuries are prone to occur during the training process. If they are not dealt promptly, they are bound to affect daily life. Although our nationals are becoming more and more aware of participating in physical exercise, they are performing numerous sports activities at the time of unexpected events, and sports injuries are becoming more and more frequent. To realize the evaluation and automatic prediction of sports training injury risk factors, a sports training injury risk evaluation algorithm using big data analysis is proposed. Establish a training injury risk analysis model, analyze the relevant parameters of training injury risk assessment through statistical and quantitative analyses, extract the entropy characteristics of training injury risk big data, optimize the decision-making and assessment process of injury risk through stable result assessment and fuzzy decision-making, and establish an expert system analysis model of sports training injury risk assessment. The hierarchical analysis method is applied to evaluate the training injury risk, and the adaptive fuzzy control is optimized to realize the optimal design of training injury risk assessment. Results show that this method has good adaptive characteristics and high certainty.