Polycyclic aro matic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified to be one of the major to xic air pollutants in urban environment. PA Hs are mostly formed during incomp lete combustion or pyrolysis of organic material. According to National ambient air quality Indian standard, benzo (a) pyrene (BaP) concentration Part iculate matter (PM 10 ) in amb ient air in the Peenya industrial area Bangalore met ropolitan in India has been determined. Air samp les for the analysis of BaP in suspended particles have been collected (as 24 h sample once in a month) at selected monitoring sites within the Peenya industrial monitoring network. In this research work, the results of PM 10 were collected between February 2011 and April 2011. The Ben zo(a)pyrene concentrations of the eight sampling sites ranged fro m zero to 0.0490ng/ m 3 . Spatial variations were predo minantly due to the different strengths of source emission. The total Benzo (a)pyrene concentrations at Kongovi Monitoring Station site was higher than those at other seven sites during monitoring period, observing the results obtained during the period of a whole year, it was concluded that, the concentrations of BaP were much h igher during winter season at almost all measuring sites.