“…The present study provides a comprehensive cytoarchitectonic analysis of the human lateral OFC using a computerized approach to detect cytoarchitectonic borders between adjacent areas based on image analysis and statistical criteria (Schleicher et al, 1998(Schleicher et al, , 1999(Schleicher et al, , 2005, and provides cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps in 3D reference space (Amunts and Zilles, 2015). The maps have been created based on the same methods as used for previous mapping studies of our group [most recent include, e.g., the parietal cortex (Richter et al, 2019), the motor cortex (Ruan et al, 2018), and the fusiform gyrus (Lorenz et al, 2017)], and allow to integrate them into a coherent atlas framework of the human brain. Meta-analytic connectivity modeling (MACM) was conducted to assess all task-based functional connectivities between the lateral OFC areas and their respective co-activated FIGURE 1 | Area 47 in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lateral OFC) in the human brain according to previous cytoarchitectonical analyses (Brodmann, 1909;von Economo and Koskinas, 1925;Von Economo, 1929;Öngür et al, 2003).…”