Background: There is an increasing prevalence of Multiple Myeloma (MM) in Nigeria. Unfortunately, there is a poor awareness of this hematological disease among the healthcare providers and the targeted population in the country. The aim of this study is to highlight some of the challenges encountered in the management of MM in Nigeria.Methods: By systematic literature search of previous publications on the management of MM in Nigeria using Google search engine, PubMed, MEDLINE, and the African Journal Online (AJOL) database.
Result:The awareness of MM is still very poor among healthcare providers. Case ascertainment is still a big issue due to diagnostic dilemma surrounding the disease. Most cases are seen by orthopedic surgeons only to present to primary physician (Hematologist) after complication must have set in. When diagnosis is made the definitive and supportive interventions are not readily available. The Hallmark is usually poor prognosis with a low survival interval (≤5% survive beyond 5 years post diagnosis).
Conclusion:Late diagnosis coupled with poor health determinants such as low SES, poor access to good health care, and lack of health-promoting policies that covers MM patients are major contributors of poor health outcome of people living with MM in Nigeria. There is a need to embark on a public health awareness campaign on MM in Nigeria. It is recommended that the government should make early detection, and healthcare coverage of people living with MM and other cancers topmost priority.