There is currently a great deal of attention paid to the primary school as an institution that not only has to educate, but also supports the formation of the students and therefore has a dual purpose. The research and discussions in this area most often take place on a theoretical and overall level, which can create a barren distance from the specific pedagogical practice in the schools. The article bridges this gap by presenting analyzes of how teachers in primary and lower secondary school experience the field of tension between education and formation in their own teaching. The analyzes indicate that teachers experience their practice as a constant shift between two basic elements. On the one hand, they must plan, manage, frame, communicate and thus objectify the students and on the other hand, they must withdraw, suspend their control and provide space for the student to occupy a subject position in the teaching. And here this act of withdrawal in particular is highlighted as a very important, but also fragile moment that is easily overlooked. On the basis of the analyzes, the concept of The pedagogical double movement is developed. It is defined as the constant interaction between the teacher's objectifying and subjectivating actions in order to support that the student both learns what the teacher has intended, and at the same time develops his subjectivity and self determination. Thus, the concept makes an empirical contribution to research on how to understand and ‘do’ pedagogical practice that both educates and supports formation.