Abstract. Many organizations nowadays face the problem of accessing existing data sources by means of flexible mechanisms that are both powerful and efficient. Ontologies are widely considered as a suitable formal tool for sophisticated data access. The ontology expresses the domain of interest of the information system at a high level of abstraction, and the relationship between data at the sources and instances of concepts and roles in the ontology is expressed by means of mappings. In this paper we present a solution to the problem of designing effective systems for ontology-based data access. Our solution is based on three main ingredients. First, we present a new ontology language, based on Description Logics, that is particularly suited to reason with large amounts of instances. The second ingredient is a novel mapping language that is able to deal with the so-called impedance mismatch problem, i.e., the problem arising from the difference between the basic elements managed by the sources, namely data, and the elements managed by the ontology, namely objects. The third ingredient is the query answering method, that combines reasoning at the level of the ontology with specific mechanisms for both taking into account the mappings and efficiently accessing the data at the sources.