“…grey foxes [ Urocyon cinereoargenteus ], spotted and striped skunks [ Spilogale gracilis , Mephitis mephitis ], ringtails [ Bassariscus astutus ], martens [ Martes americana , Martes caurina ], raccoons [ Procyon lotor ] and opossums [ Didelphis virginiana ]). Although previous research has investigated range overlap and co‐occurrence of some of these species (Campbell, ; Gompper, Lesmeister, Ray, Malcolm, & Kays, ; Sweitzer & Furnas, ), the strength and directionality of interspecific interactions influencing abundances and distributions are not well understood. Fishers are also a species of conservation concern in the western United States, as aside from successful translocations, this species has not recolonized many previously occupied habitats (Lewis, Powell, & Zielinski, ).…”