“…Only one member of this protein family, a DacC homologue, is identified (Jacquier, Viollier, & Greub, ). Many cell division proteins, like the tubulin homologue FtsZ, are also missing in Chlamydiales with a division process that is orchestrated by the actin homologue MreB and its interactors RodZ and the LysM‐domain‐containing protein AmiA (NlpD), this latter with dual amidase and carboxypeptidase activities (Jacquier, Frandi, Viollier, & Greub, ; Jacquier, Viollier, et al, ; Klockner et al, , ). Such reduced number of periplasmic PG hydrolases is a hallmark of obligate intracellular pathogens (Otten et al, ) and endosymbionts (Wilmes et al, ), contrasting with the more than 35 PG hydrolases known in free‐living bacteria like E. coli (van Heijenoort, ; Vollmer, Joris, et al, ) (Figure b).…”