“…8b The activation of the <a> prismatic slip during compression along the a-axis has been reported recently in Mg-Zn-Ca alloy (Wang et al, 2021b) in combination with tensile twinning. However, the activation of <a> prismatic slip and the suppression of tensile twinning during compression along the a-axis has not been found at ambient temperature in pure Mg (Y. or any Mg alloys (Li et al, 2021b(Li et al, , 2021aWang et al, 2021aWang et al, , 2020Wu et al, 2020). This result is very surprising because compression of Mg and its alloys along the a-axis (or equivalent extension along the caxis) easily leads to the nucleation and growth of {101 $ 2} tensile twins, because the associated CRSS to promote tensile twin is much lower than that necessary to activate <c+a> pyramidal slip or <a> prismatic slip.…”