Opacity measurements are being carried out at the Z-facility at Sandia National Laboratories and at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The current soft x-ray Opacity Spectrometer (OpSpec) used on the NIF uses two elliptically bent crystals in time-integrated mode on either an image plate or a film. Plans are under way to expand these opacity measurements into a mode of time-resolved detection, called OpSpecTR. Previously, considerations for the available hCMOS detector size and photometrics led to a crystal geometry redesign and the use of a grazing angle x-ray mirror. The mirror acts as a low-pass x-ray energy filter, reducing the contribution of higher energy x rays. The first tests of the mirror and the crystal for OpSpecTR are presented here. The size of the mirror reflection and the reflectivity is tested using a Manson x-ray source. The mirror coupled with the new elliptical crystal shape demonstrates OpSpecTR’s spectral coverage. The results from the x-ray optics performance testing are shown along with the intended design.