and nano-imprint lithography (Dash et al. 2015;Hosseini et al. 2016;Sitti and Hashimoto 2000). For instance, in optoelectronic devices, a fiber-to-fiber coupling system is used to couple light from one fiber to another or a laser diode requires to be aligned precisely in at least 5 axes. The conventional passive systems currently used for this purpose are lacking the required precision to align fibers and optical modules (Rubio-Sierra et al. 2005). Traditional positioners containing spherical/revolute joints can only be applied for microscale positioning because of the reduced precision caused by friction or wear in the joints. Moreover, clearance in the traditional joints exceeds the workspace of a nano-positioner (Sutherland et al. 1995;Chen et al. 2003;Trease et al. 2005). Compliant mechanisms based on flexure hinges offer an alternative promising route to achieve nanoscale positioning. They rely on deflection of some or all of their parts to achieve motion and hence, offer many advantages, such as reduction in number of parts, diminished friction and wear, and the need for assembly. Furthermore, the monolithic structure of the flexurehinged mechanisms facilitates their miniaturization and fabrication in the micro scale by the standard microfabrication processes (Yao et al. 2007;Lai et al. 2005;Chen and Culpepper 2006). However, an elaborate design is required to tackle the complexity of motion of several flexible parts. In this paper, a novel 6 axes nano manipulator using a distinct design of flexure hinges to achieve both in-plane and out of plane positioning is designed. Thermo-electro-mechanical actuator capable of applying force in transverse and longitudinal directions is integrated to achieve six degree of freedom positioning. The performance of the compliant positioner is investigated using finite element method (FEM).
AbstractIn this paper, a novel micro-scale nano-manipulator capable of positioning in six degrees of freedom (DOF) is introduced. Undesired deflections, while operating in a specific DOF, are restricted by the aid of distinctive design of flexure hinges and actuators' arrangements. The compliant mechanism is actuated by thermo-electromechanical actuators, as they could be integrated and exert large forces in a nanometer resolution. The actuators are bidirectional capable of applying force in both transverse and longitudinal directions. Performance of the two degrees of freedom actuator is thoroughly explored via numerical and analytical analyses, showing a good agreement. The workspace and performance of the precision positioner is studied using finite element methods. Finally, identification of forward and inverse kinematic of the nanomanipulator is performed utilizing neural network concept. A well-trained and appropriate neural network can efficiently replace the time-consuming and complex analytical and experimental methods.