Genetically engineered fibroblasts have been successfully used to produce therapeutic proteins in animals, but sustained production of the proteins has not been achieved. This limits the potential of fibroblast-mediated gene therapy in humans. We have studied the phenomenon of decreased production in rats by using retroviral vectors carrying genes encoding human adenosine deaminase and neomycin phosphotransferase. While transplanted skin fibroblasts containing vector sequences persisted at constant levels for at least 8.5 mo, vector expression decreased by >1500-fold after 1 mo. Cellular or antibody-mediated immune responses were not detected in transplanted animals, and expression could not be restored in fibroblasts recultivated from the grafts. This phenomenon is reminiscent of sequence-specific gene inactivation observed in other cell types. Because genetic manipulation and expression of foreign proteins did not affect survival of the transplanted cells, effective long-term therapy may be possible with the use of alternative gene regulatory elements.Although many somatic cell types are potential gene therapy targets for treatment of genetic or acquired disease (1), skin fibroblasts are attractive because they are easy to obtain and transplant and can be rapidly grown to large numbers in culture. Immortalized fibroblasts make a variety of secretory products after genetic modification and transplantation into animals (2-7), but these are ultimately not appropriate models for gene therapy because these cell lines grow uncontrollably and often form tumors in recipient animals. Primary fibroblasts, however, could be used for human therapy. In animals, primary embryo or skin fibroblasts produce clotting factor IX at systemic levels that approach therapeutic utility (5, 6), but production of the protein for >1 mo has not been achieved. The gradual decrease in protein levels might be caused by immune response against the foreign protein, poor survival of the transplanted cells, or inactivation of the transferred genes.To address these issues, we have studied the transfer of a human adenosine deaminase (hADA)-encoding gene into skin fibroblasts of inbred rats. By using hADA in place of factor IX, we could avoid several complicating problems associated with production of a foreign secreted protein: hADA should not be immunogenic because it is an intracellular protein; hADA is localized at the site of the graft, and detection is not dependent on systemic distribution; and finally, sensitive assays make even low-level hADA readily detectable above endogenous rat adenosine deaminase (ADA). By careful examination of transplanted tissues, we show here that expression of hADA had no effect on cell survival, but that transplanted cells gradually inactivate retrovirally transferred genes.MATERIALS AND METHODS Primary Cell Culture. Primary skin fibroblasts were isolated by standard methods (8) from either human foreskin or forearm biopsies, or from inbred Fischer 344 rats. Cells were grown at 370C in a 10%o CO2 atmosph...