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AbstractIn recent years the use of polymer-enhanced foams (PEFs) and gelled foams has become a focus of interest for gas shut-off control. Many studies have focused in evaluating the blocking ability and rheology of these PEFs before applying them in the field, but a bigger effort still has to be done in understanding the flow behavior of these fluids, which are much more complex in nature than conventional foams.In this paper we present new micromodel studies that have been conducted with PEFs in constricted capillaries. Experiments were carried out using an alpha-olefin-sulfonate (AOS) foaming agent and five different polyacrylamides varying molecular weight, hydrolysis content and functionality. New data indicates that PEFs show a different flow behavior than that reported for conventional foams and that existing foam models may have to be reviewed to simulate PEF flow through porous media.In 1992 Osterloh and Jante 1 had identified for conventional foams the presence of two distinct flow regimes when flowing through porous media: a high quality regime where pressure gradient was independent of gas flow rate, and a low quality regime in which pressure gradient was independent of liquid flow rate. Alvarez, Rivas and Rossen 2 later confirmed this to be a part of a general foam behavior.In our studies, we found indications of the presence of these two foam flow regimes for conventional foams in constricted capillaries, while all PEFs showed under this geometry a completely different behavior, where the high quality regime seemed to be absent.These results could indicate that capillary pressure and coalescence do not govern PEF flow in porous media, as it does for conventional foams. Micromodel studies however, might not be directly applicable to flow in real reservoir conditions, but implications of the results here published could be useful in understanding the behavior of these fluids. Due to the simplicity of the pore geometry, these results can also assist in the evaluation of existing foam flow models for PEF flow, or in the future development of new models to understand the physics involved in the flow of these complex fluids through porous media. *