“…6) and analysed for major cations, anions and trace (0-10) !12)00 !7)50 !1)50 2)00 3)00 !3)33 4)66 Sand mixed with carbonate gravels, medium to fine, extremely poorly sorted, abrupt boundary 27 (0-35) !9)50 !5)50 !2)00 2)00 3)00 !1)83 3)77 Loamy sand, friable with calcareous rock fragments, very poorly sorted, abrupt boundary 28 (0-15) !14)00 !11)00 !7)50 !3)50 2)00 !7)33 4)30 Loamy sand, friable, mixed with weathered limestone fragments, extremely poorly sorted, abrupt boundary 29 (0-30) !13)00 !9)00 !6)50 2)00 3)25 !4)50 5)21 Medium to fine quartz and carbonate sand, mixed with flint and limestone pebbles, very poorly sorted 30 (0-40) !9)00 !3)50 !1)50 2)00 3)00 !1)00 3)20 Gravelly sand with flint and limestone pebbles, medium to fine grained, very poorly sorted, abrupt boundary elements. Based on the chemical data presented in (Hiscock, 1993;Tellam, 1994;Kimblin, 1995;Frapporti et al, 1995;Hiscock et al, 1996;Oetting et al, 1996). Saturation indices (SI) and P CO 2 were calculated using the program WATEQP (Appelo & Postma, 1993).…”