1In alpine regions climatic change will alter the balance between water sources (rainfall, ice-2 melt, snowmelt, and groundwater) for aquatic systems, particularly modifying the relative 3 contributions of meltwater, groundwater and rain to both rivers and lakes. Whilst these 4 changes are expected to have implications for alpine aquatic ecosystems, little is known about 5 potential ecological tipping points and associated indicator taxa. Within the EU-FP7 6 ACQWA project we examined changes in biotic communities along a gradient of glacier 7 influence for two study systems; (1) a stream network in the French Pyrénées and (2) a 8 network of lakes in the Italian Alps, with the aim of identifying potential indicator taxa 9 (macroinvertebrates and zooplankton) of glacier retreat in these environments. To assess 10 parallels in biotic responses across streams and lakes, both primary data and findings from 11 other publications were synthesized. Using TITAN (Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis) 12 threshold changes in community composition of river taxa were identified at <5.1% glacier 13 cover and <66.6% meltwater contribution. Below this point the loss of cold stenothermic 14 benthic invertebrate taxa, Diamesa spp. and the Pyrenean endemic Rhyacophila angelieri was 15 apparent. Some generalist taxa including Protonemura sp., Perla grandis, Baetis alpinus, 16Rhithrogena loyolaea and Microspectra sp. increased when glacier cover was < 2.7 % and < 17 52 % meltwater. Patterns were not as distinct for the alpine lakes, due to fewer sampling 18 sites; however, Daphnia longispina grp. and the benthic invertebrate groups Plectopera and 19Planaria were identified as potential indictors. While further work is required to assess 20 potential indicator taxa for alpine lake systems findings from alpine river systems were 21 consistent between methods for assessing glacier influence (meltwater contribution/glacier 22 cover). Hence, it is clear that this approach (TITAN) could become a useful a management 23 tool, enabling: (i) the identification of taxa particularly sensitive to glacier retreat; and (ii) 24 conservation efforts/resources to be better directed in alpine aquatic systems. 25