Metal injection moulding (MIM) is a novel process, which combines the advantages of powder metallurgy (PM) and plastic injection moulding. MIM has found widespread applications in the cost-effective production of high-sintered density small parts with complicated shapes and mechanical properties equivalent to those of wrought materials (German and Bose, 1977;Machaka and Chikwanda, 2015;German, 2013). There are four basic processing steps involved in MIM, namely; feedstock preparation, injection moulding, debinding and sintering. These steps are discussed in greater detail elsewhere (Machaka, Seerane and Chikwanda, 2014;German and Bose, 1977;Machaka and Chikwanda, 2015;German, 2013).Feedstock preparation involves mixing metal powder with a carefully selected composition of polymeric binder materials at a specific temperature. The feedstock is then granulated and injected into a predefined mould die with the desired shape. The part produced during the moulding step is referred to as a 'green' component. The green component typically contains no porosity since the spaces between adjacent powder particles are readily filled with the binder materials (German and Bose, 1977;Li, Li and Khalil, 2007). Debinding is the systemic removal of the binder components by chemical, catalytic, or/and thermal means while maintaining the shape of the component. The part produced after the debinding step is referred to as a 'brown' component. Debinding is known to be the source of porosity in brown components (Ji et al., 2001; Tsai and Cen, 1995). Finally, the brown debound part is sintered to full or nearfull density (Sotomayor, Várez and Levenfeld, 2010). The sintering step and associated densification closes up the majority of the pores. Sintered MIM parts are typically sintered to high density (95-99%) and retain an irreducible amount of residual porosity (Barriere, Liu and Gelin, 2003;German, 1990).Direct powder rolling (DPR) of metal powders is a fairly new process (Cantin and Gibson, 2015). The DPR process consists of (i) roll compaction, sintering, mechanical working and/or heat treatment (Ro, Toaz and Moxson, 1983) or (ii) roll compaction, hot rolling, mechanical working and/or heat treatment (Cantin et al., 2011). The rolling mill consolidates the powders into green compacts (Park et al., 2012; Chikosha, Shabalala and Chikwanda, 2014; Cantin et al., 2010;Peterson, 2010). The green compacts produced via DPR contain pores between the consolidated powder particles. Sintering or hot rolling X-ray computed microtomography studies of MIM and DPR parts by N.S. Muchavi*, L. Bam ‡ , F.C. De Beer ‡ , S. Chikosha* and R. Machaka* Parts manufactured through power metallurgy (PM) typically contain pores that can be detrimental to the final mechanical properties. This paper explores the merits of 3D X-ray computed tomography over traditional microscopy for the characterization of the evolution of porosity in metal injection moulding (MIM) and direct powder rolling (DPR) products. 17-4 PH stainless steel (as-moulded, as-debound and sint...