The quantities of outer and inner "halves" produced by freeze-fracturing human erythrocyte membranes have been measured by visible and fluorescence spectroscopy. Assays have been developed that are based on the use of two membrane surface markers : hemoglobin (Hb), a native marker for the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, and fluoresceinated concanavalin A (FITC-Con-A), a marker for the extracellular side . Hb absorbance is proportional to the fraction of cytoplasmic "half" membranes, and FITC fluorescence is proportional to the fraction of extracellular "halves ." A procedure is described for the preparation of surface-labeled, intact erythrocytes suitable for the formation of homogeneous, planar cell monolayers of squarecentimeter dimensions on polylysine-treated glass (PL-glass) . Cell monolayers were frozen and fractured, and the fractions of absorbance and fluorescence in each of the two split portions determined. The PL-glass portion of the membrane contained a substantially higher ratio of fluorescence to absorbance than unsplit controls, and its paired portion, a complementary lower ratio, demonstrating that the PL-glass portion was significantly enriched in extracellular "half" membrane. Experiments investigating split membrane recovery show that the double labeled membrane splitting technique is well suited to analysis of the transmembrane distribution of membrane lipids and polypeptides using methods that do not require quantitation by electron microscopy.The method offreeze-fracture, although used primarily to gain information about the physical structure ofmodel membranes and biomembranes, can also be used to examine the chemical composition of membrane "halves" (18). This latter approach relies on membrane bilayer splitting to produce two fractions: one enriched in extracellular "half' membranes, one enriched in intracellular "halves ." Such fractions can be produced by the method of monolayer freeze-fracture in which cells or membrane fragments are attached to a planar cationic glass surface . After freezing, the flattened membranes fracture in preference to those that are unattached, leaving the planar surface rich in outer "half' membrane (15). This monolayer freeze-fracture method has been used to examine the transmembrane concentration ofhuman erythrocyte (RBC) cholesterol (16) and the fracturing properties of certain erythrocyte glycopeptides (12) and purple membrane bacteriorhodopsin (21,22).A key component in the analysis of transbilayer concentration is quantitation of the fractions of "half' membranes and intact membranes in the two split portions and in unspht controls (16,17,34) . In past studies such quantitation has been provided by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photographic methods (15,16) . Although TEM can directly verify membrane splitting, its use to determine amounts of "half' membranes in split fractions is limited . Microscopic methods require duplicate samples, one for TEM and one for chemical analysis, and at best allow examination of only a tiny portio...