Acute oedematous pancreatitis and acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis were studied using the low pressure duct perfusion models of alcoholic pancreatitis in cats. After creating either form over 24 hours, each pancreas was histologically graded and assigned an inflammatory score (0-16; absent-severe (IQR 2, p<0 05 v group 1), and in group 4 it was 7 (IQR 4, p<0 05 v group 1). This was matched by significantly lower levels of urinary tripsinogen activation peptide at 24 hours. In experiment 2 (group 5) we tried to reduce microvascular permeability further by combining dopamine with antihistamines, but there was no improvement in the inflammatory score. As oedematous pancreatitis is the commoner and milder form of acute pancreatitis in clinical practice, in experiment 3 we looked at the effect ofdopamine in this model. In group 6 control cats (no treatment), the inflammatory score was 7 (IQR 3, p<0 05 v group 1). In group 7 cats given dopamine (5 ,ug/kg.min for six hours) from 12 hours after the onset of acute oedematous pancreatitis, the inflammatory score was reduced to 4 (IQR 2, p<0 05 v group 6). This was matched by a significant reduction in the 24 hour urinary tripsin activation peptide concentration. (Gut 1994; 35: 547-55 Here, in a further progression of these experiments, we analysed three more issues. In experiment 1 we examined the effect ofvarying the dose of dopamine in the original model of alcoholic AHP. In experiment 2 we investigated whether the addition of the H,/H, blockers, diphenhydramine and cimetidine, might have a synergistic effect if combined with dopamine as these latter agents would be expected to reduce microvascular permeability by an action through different receptors. In experiment 3 we investigated the effect of dopamine in the model of alcoholic AOP because in humans alcohol often leads to the milder oedematous form of acute pancreatitis.
THE MODELSThe models have been described in detail previously"A and are considered briefly here.Alcoholic AOP Fasted cats were anaesthetised and after drawing samples for estimating basal serum lipase and urinary tripsinogen activation peptide (TAP), a laparotomy was performed. The body of the stomach was cannulated with the tip of the cannula sited in the antrum. The main pancreatic duct was cannulated in the tail of the pancreas with plastic tubing that had previously been filled with a physiological salt solution (standard per-