To implement the state policy in the security support field of the navigable hydraulic, it is necessary to improve the work organization in the early recognition and preventing technogenic and natural threats, as well as the technical monitoring base, which is the most important condition for increasing the reliability and efficiency of obtaining complex information characterizing the state of their safety. In this regard, at the operated facilities, the systematic facilities monitoring systems development for their condition should be carried out, the computer software introduction for automated data entry, primary measurement data, maintaining a database, diagnosing the operation of the hydraulic structures, etc. Currently, the analysis results of field observations at various hydro-technical facilities are produced in different ways depending on the specialists’ qualifications, often not always fully, there are only isolated examples of the information and diagnostic systems, computer programs for solving some local applied problems, information databanks, etc. The article outlines the main priorities, principles, and directions of work in the field of creating and using a unified system for monitoring the navigable hydraulic structures state. At the same time, the unified system construction for monitoring the state of operating hydraulic structures corresponds to the structure of the industry system for their safety. The scheme proposed by the author for organizing information exchange within the scope of a unified system for monitoring the hydraulic structures state should ensure effective and high-quality operational state monitoring, and will also improve the hydraulic facilities safety level by making operational and well-grounded management decisions.