The light scattering properties of mouse activated macrophages were analyzed by flow cytometry. Peritoneal adherent cells from B. abortus treated animals were found to segregate into two subpopulations as a function of their foward angle and 90" angle light scatter. The cell subpopulations were separated by automatic sorting. The strongly scattering ones contained an elevated proportion of large volume and acid phosphatase rich cells. Their nonspecific cytotoxic activity against tumor cells was more important than that of weakly light scattering cells. Thus, flow cytometry might be helpful to characterize and isolate cytotoxic macrophage populations.Key terms: Flow cytometry, light scattering, cell sorting, activated macrophages, cytotoxicityThe morphological and functional heterogeneity of macrophages has been evidenced in a number of experimental systems. Cell flow analysis also confirmed this notion, showing that several populations of macrophages could be distinguished as a function of their content in RNA (17,18) and in various enzymes (5) or according to their affinity for certain antimacrophage monoclonal antibodies (15).Using cell sorting techniques, flow cytometry also offers the possibility to study biological properties of isolated cell subpopulations. In the present work, mouse activated macrophages were analyzed and sorted as a function of their light scattering properties. Strongly and weakly light scattering cells were separated and their cytotoxic activity, cell volume, and acid phosphatase content were measured.
Preparation of Peritoneal Exudate CellsCells were obtained by washing the peritoneal cavity of (C57BL6 x DBAB) F1 hybrid mice injected IP 3 days before with 500 pg of heat-inactivated B. abortus organisms as described previously (10,ll). The cells were left to adhere on microexudate-coated culture flasks as described by Mantovani et al (9). After 20 min of incubation the nonadherent cell fraction was separated. Adherent cells were detached by a 10-min exposure to ethylene-diamine-tetracetate (EDTA). Their viability was 92% as demonstrated by a Trypan blue exclusion test. Cells were suspended at 40 x 106/ml in RPMI 1640 medium (Difco) before cell flow measurements and sorting.
Flow CytometryThe cytofluorograf system 50 H (Ortho Diagnostic Instruments; Westwood, MA) was uscd. The apparatus was standardized daily for scatter using a suspension of glutaraldehyde-fixed calf thymocytes. The suspensions of fresh peritoneal cells, maintained at 4"C, were previously filtered through 50-pm nylon filter. An argon laser beam of wavelength 488 nm and output energy 500 mW was used to illuminate the cells. Light scattering at 90" and at low forward angle (2"-20") was measured. Right angle scatter (RAS) and forward angle scatter (FAS) signals were displayed as a cytogram on a multichannel distribution analyzer (Model 2103, Digital Data Processing) that could also display frequency distribution histograms of cell number against one of the parameters FAS or RAS. Ten or twenty thousan...