The aim is to determine the influence of speed-strength training in children aged 13-14 years on the indicators of speed endurance, taking into account the differentiated load based on the strength of the nervous system of schoolchildren.Research methods: the pedagogical experiment lasted for 3 months in an ordinary school in Russia. The study involved seventh-graders in the number of 40 children aged 13-14 years. Children from the control group were engaged in a standard program of physical education, and children from the experimental group additionally performed speed-strength exercises. In the experimental group, the children performed exercises with different loads depending on the strength of the nervous system, which was determined by the tapping test. Speed-strength abilities were determined by three tests: long jump from a place with a push with two legs, lifting the torso from the supine position, flexion and extension of the arms at the stop while lying on the floor. Speed endurance was determined by the test -«jump over the rope».Results of the study: after the study, the indicators for all tests in schoolchildren of class 7a and 7b increased, but the changes occurred in different ways. In the control group, in children with a strong nervous system, speed-strength indicators improved by 2-3%, and speed-endurance indicators increased by only 8%, and in children with a weak nervous system, speed-strength abilities improved by 2-4%, and speed-endurance indicators became higher by 6%. In children from the experimental group in the subgroup with a strong nervous system, the indicators of speed-strength abilities improved by 13-14%, and the indicators of speed endurance increased by 19%. In children with a weak nervous system, the indicators of speed-strength abilities increased by 11-16%, and the indicators of speed endurance increased by 23%.
Conclusion:if you perform a set of exercises for the development of speed-power abilities in physical education classes at school, then the indicators of not only speed-power abilities, but also the indicators of speed endurance will increase. At the same time, the load should be differentiated taking into account the strength of the nervous system of schoolchildren aged 13-14 years.